Basic mail configuration for webserver and mailforwarding for root

Till now I didn’t configured any mail support for wordpress but today I wanted to enable wordpress to send mails to me and became aware that I didn’t configure postfix for my system.

In fact a basic configuration is quite easy. If the webserver should be able to send mails to an address of your choice you may hav to adapt the follwoing parameters in the /etc/postfix/

myhostname =
mydomain =
myorigin = $mydomain

After those three parameters are configured the postfix service has to be restarted: systemctl restart postfix.service

If there are still no mails comming in check if the /etc/php.ini is configured to use sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

I also recogized that there are some mail in the inbox for the root user so I decided to also enable mail fowarding to get new mails directly to my mail-address instead of the root’s inbox.

Herfore the last line in /etc/aliases has to be uncommented to look like:
# Person who should get root’s mail

Afterwards the postfix service has to be restarted once again and in the future all mails will be forwareded to the system.

if you have troubles receiving mails the mailq command is helpful to debug problems with unsent mails or mails which get rejected by the receiving mail server. A look at the /var/log/maillog logfile is also worth a try. 😉