Zabbix is quite cool, but there are still some minor problems which make life a littel bit harder (or just do not look too good).
One of this little bugs it, that if you add the wrong interface to your host and try to query it (and an error is returend) – results in an red icon for the corresponding intrface in the hosts-overview.
The only way (I know) to reset those interface is to delete the host and create it new, or the easier way would be to clone the host and delte the old one. To be honest – I don’t like any of those two possiblities, so i decided to find another way.
As a matter of fact, the info is stored in the database so we could reset the icon in the DB: herefor we need to log in to the database and find the correct table. I assume you know hot wo log in to your DB 😉
The table which stores the infor about the interfaces would be the “hosts”-table. Ths table contains a column called “available” which indicates the interface status. For the zabbix agent it’s just called available, for snmp, ipmi, jmx, you alway the the type as a prefix – so snmp: snmp_available. the column stores an integer from 0 to 3 with:
0=if not in use (gray)
1=if in use and everything is fine =green
2=if in use and an error occured=red
so by updating the DB-entry we could reset the icon-indicator for a specific host.
UPDATE hosts SET available=0 WHERE hostid=12345;
… would set the icon for the Agent to gray for the host 12345. The host-id could be obtained by hovering over the link to the host or opening the host and afertwards it’s displayed in the address bar.