Tag Archives: workaround

Windwos telephone activiation – shortcut

When using the telephone activiation select the option that MS sends you a link to an activation page. http://md.vivr.io/XxX0c0C Use the link and the following commands on the computer to extracte the activaition ID from the system, paste it on the webinterface and copy the confirmation ID back to the system. To paste the activiation ID on the Microsoft Website use the cscript command to print the ID to the command prompt, copy it to Keepass in the autotype field and use the autotype option to paste the blocks. To strip the response NPP + the follwoing regex can be used: [A-Z]|\t|\n -> Strips all upper case characters, tabstops and CRs


Tools Needed:

  • KeePass (or any other autotype tool)
  • Notepad++
    NPP-Regex for search and replace: [A-Z]|\t|\n



#Install Productkey
slmgr /ipk <ProductKey>

#Display activation ID
cscript C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /dti

From <https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/de-DE/3ead2d77-00fc-4c06-b4c0-82eae0ebc2bc/save-slmgr-dli-output-to-text-file?forum=w7itproinstall>

#install confirmation ID from Microsoft
slmgr /atp <Confirmation ID>

#Check Status
slmgr /dlv

slmgr /dli

From <http://www.thewindowsclub.com/view-licensing-status-activation-id-windows-slmg

Zabbix – Clear hosts from untemplated items

Sometimes you run into the problem, that you have a host which had a template attached but somebody wanted to replace the template or something like that and unfortunately hit just “Unlink” instead of “Unlink and Clear” and all the items are still in the host.

If you have only one host it’s normaly no problem to delete all items per hand, but if you have multiple of those hosts it’s quite some work do remove the old items.

Solution nr. one would be tu use the filters to select all items in a specified host group and delte those items, but the applications, discovery rules and so on will still remain in the hosts and have to be deleted in a 2nd/3rd step.

See the Screenshot below:Zabbix Host configuration - item filters


My preferred solution for this problem is a simple regex based find/replace with Notepad++.
Herefor an export of the affected hosts is needed. The xml-file could be opend with NPP and the following regexes are needed for find/replace (CTRL+H) to remove the unwanted items.

[pastacode lang=”markdown” manual=”Find%20what%3A%20(%3Cdiscovery_rules%3E%5B%5Cs%5CS%5D*%3F%3C%5C%2Fdiscovery_rules%3E)%7C(%3Ctriggers%3E%5B%5Cs%5CS%5D*%3F%3C%5C%2Ftriggers%3E)%7C(%3Cinventory%3E%5B%5Cs%5CS%5D*%3F%3C%5C%2Finventory%3E)%7C(%3Citems%3E%5B%5Cs%5CS%5D*%3F%3C%5C%2Fitems%3E)%0A%0AReplace%20with%3A%20(%3F1%3Cdiscovery_rules%20%2F%3E)(%3F2%3Ctriggers%20%2F%3E)(%3F3%3Cinventory%20%2F%3E)(%3F4%3Citems%20%2F%3E)” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]

In the above example multiple regexes with multiple replace-patterns are used to replace the items, discovery rules, triggers an inventory and reset it.