Category Archives: Hardware

MIkrotik packet loss (Ping <70%)

Today I experienced an interesting story with my Mikrotik router at home. While updating the PiHole instance the system hat quite some problems obtaining either system updates but also the PiHole update packages. A ping on showed that the Raspberry – on which the PiHole was hosted – had somewhat between 70-80% packet loss. Pinging the same IP from a Windows machine resulted in 0% packet.

All this happened only on wired connections but did not cause any problmes when connected via wifi.

As the Raspberry is directly attached to the Mikrotik router I also tried to connect it via a switch in between as that’s the setup for the windows machine. Same behavior.
Running pings from 3 Linux systems in the network and two Windows systems (even with exchanging network connections to be directly connected to the Mikrotik and connecting through the switch) came up with an interesting result:
All Windows machines had hardly any packet loss in 10 mins (<3%) and all the Linux systems had somewhat between 70%-80% packet loss (tested with a ping).
Any ping that involved the Mikrotik routers L2 functionality seemed to result in packet loss on the Linux machines.
Pinging any other machine on the same subnet worked without problems, but as soon as there was one hob in between the problem occurred.

Interestingly the problem vanished as far as the Torch tool was activated and no more packet loss occurred on any of the systems.

After some additional troubleshooting time (and disabling nearly all Mikrotik-configuration -> Firewall-Rules/Interfaces) the problem seemed to be with the Bridge interface used. It seems that the deactivation of the IP Firewall for the bridge interface caused the problem. After enabling it the behavior vanished and all systems no longer had any packet loss issues.

[admin@MikroTik] /interface bridge settings> /interface bridge settings 
[admin@MikroTik] /interface bridge settings> set use-ip-firewall yes    

Flashing NextThing C.H.I.P. with a Raspberry Pi

Today I somehow bricked my CHIP (I think it wasn’t the wised idea to set the system-target to network_online) as I didn’t get access via serial connection or ssh.
It wasn’t that much of a problem as I wanted to set up the CHIP as a headless system.
So the journey begins ( with setting up Virtual Box + Extension pack and installing vagrant on my Windows 10 (Git was already installed).

After everything was installed I started the VM wich was setup by vagrant and ran the script to start the upgrade, but it failed with “Waiting for fel……………………………TIMEOUT”.
The reason was, that regardless of the USB-rules in the Vagrantfile, the CHIP was not available in the VM. Easy to check with “lsusb”. No Big deal – As the VM is available in the VirtualBox Manager we can boot it up from there and just attach the CHIP-USB-Device to the VM.

waiting for fel…OK -> 🙂
waiting for fastboot……………………………TIMEOUT
-> 🙁

So, it seems that after the reboot of the CHIP windows is not recognizing it the right way and also has some problems to pass it through to the VM.

I dind’t find a fix for that problem, but reportedly a physical Ubuntu installation should would (regarding to some forum post on the NextThing BBS). Too bad I only have Fedora on a laptop, but no Ubuntu – but I had a Raspberry which i was currently not using, so I gave it a try and it worked out quite nice.

I used a “Jessy lite” and installed the following packages:

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”” message=”Install packages and flash the CHIP” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]
(I don’t think that all the packages are needed, but i got some errors and hence installed everything I thought fix those errors)
After that & a reboot of my CHIP i was able to access it again with:

screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200


Get raid information from a Fujitsu RX200S8/Rx300S8 via BMC

With the S8 generation of Fujtitus RX300/200 servers, which use the iRMC S4 ,Fujitsu implementent the ability to poll SNMP-data from the BMC (iRMC). To enable the ability to poll data the BMC has to be flashed with an up to date Firmware version and SNMP-polling has to be enableed in the iRMC-web-GUI. I’ve tested it with 7.69F from Dec. 2014 .
The first shippings of the rx300/200 servers came with an older firmeware version which did not implment the needed Fujitsuu MIBs to query HW-status (see Page: 18 for details about the supported MIBs).
The problem is, that there is no possibility to query the status of the Raid controller and its disks via SNMP (or I haven’t found it till now) but it’s displayed on the iRMC web-GUI. So I wrote a script which extracts the useful informations (controller status, disk status + details and logical drive status) from the web-interface.

Atm. it’s just an alpha release but I’ll modify the script to be used by Zabbix for an auto discovery and push all the data into Zabbix:


[pastacode lang=”php” message=”web-iRMCS RAID-query” highlight=”” provider=”manual”]

#   DESCRIPTION: Script to query RAID-Informations from the Fujitsu iRMC S4 webinterface.
#   COPYRIGHT ©: 2015 by fawcs, GPL freeware
#        AUTHOR: fawcs,
#       LICENSE: GPL freeware
# CREATION DATE: 2015-Mar-19

//get Raid-Controller-Data

foreach($id['disks'][0]['data'] AS $disk)

retrieves an html-site
	@return: String -> whole HTML site
function getWebsiteContent($url,$username,$password,$measuretime=false)
	$process = curl_init($url);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);  
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/xml'));
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
	//curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payloadName);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
	$return = curl_exec($process);
		echo "Content for ".$url." retrieved in ".round(microtime(true)-$timer,3)."s".chr(10);
	return $return;

retrieves the table-content of an IRMC Site / parses the listed sites for interesting data
possible sites are:
	http://$host/87 -> Controller Infos
	http://$host/88 -> Physical Disks
	http://$host/89 -> Logical Drives
	@return -> 	array which contains the ID of the controller, disks, LVs
				the table headings
				the table data

function parseWebSiteToIDs($return)
	$cutFrom=strpos($return,"<!-- Menu end-->");
	$cutTo=strpos($return,'<div id="bottom">');
	//echo $table;
	//go through all tatles which are found in the passed web-content-string & extract the tables 
		//$table[]=substr($return, strpos($return,"<table"),strpos($return,"</table>")-strpos($return,"<table>"));
		$Loop=substr($Loop, strpos($Loop,'<table'),strlen($Loop)-strpos($Loop,'<table'));
		//get the table id
		$Loop=substr($Loop, strpos($Loop,'<tr'),strlen($Loop)-strpos($Loop,'<tr'));
		//save just the html-table to the var & add ***###*** as a delimitter after every tablerow
		//explode all table rows by the added delimiter
		//iterate through the table rows and extract useful information
		foreach($rows AS $row)
			//check if submit button for details is listed in the table - if yes - get the submit-value for correct id -> is appended to the URL when querying the details page
			if(strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')!==false)
				$detailID=trim(substr($row,strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')+strlen('<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"'),strpos(strtolower($row),'onclick=')-(strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')+strlen('<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"'))));
				//eg: extracted name="pd_10" from row
			//if $count==0 -> first table row which stores only the headings/descriptions -> are saved in a seperate node in the array
			} else {
			//all the other rows contain data -> also store the in the array
	return $ret;

