Category Archives: Tools

Putty – Terminal “halts/freezes” after CTRL+S

Did you ever work with vi/nano (whatever)  and wanted to save a file?
If you are not that hardcore a linux person who does everything on a terminal and also works with Windows, you know that it is always a good idea to press CTRL+S once in a while to save your progress.

I press this shortcut automatically and it even happens to me while working on a putty session, which results in a “freezed” terminal session.
The reason for this behavior is that ctrl+s sends “XOFF” and putty stopps displaying any output, but still accepts keystrokes.

But its also easy to disable XOFF again – just press CTRL+Q and putty will continue to show your output on the screen. 🙂

Install Zabbix on Raspberry PI 2

Wouldn’t it be cool to monitor your home? For example all your devices, but also temperature and other sensors an have all that data accessible via a web interfaces?

I think it would so, i thought about setting up Zabbix for home monitoring, but on the RaPi B and B+ it’s not the most performant setup, So i decided to try it again with the PI2.

This post provides a short log on how I set it up.

At first we have to download the source from Zabbix’ SF-page because there is no official package for the ARM-architecture available.

[pastacode lang=”bash” message=”zabbix installation” highlight=”” provider=”manual”]

cd /opt
mv zabbix-2.4.6.tar.gz\?r\=http\ zabbix-2.4.6.tar.gz
tar xfvz zabbix-2.4.6.tar.gz
cd zabbix-2.4.6/

#With ./configure --help we can see all the availalbe switches which can be used to compile zabbix.
root@raspberrypi /opt/zabbix-2.4.6 # groupadd zabbix
root@raspberrypi /opt/zabbix-2.4.6 # useradd -g zabbix zabbix
root@raspberrypi /opt/zabbix-2.4.6 # ./configure --help

#I used the follwoing switches to compile the zabbix server and agent, use a MySQL-DB, enable jabber-support, lib-xml2 - which is needed for webmonitoring, net-snmp, ssh and curl which is alos needed for webmonitoring. IPMI can be useful if you also hav a realy server with a BMC to monitor. But for most homeusers the IPMI-option is not neede if you only want to monitor your home and thats it. If you have a LDAP/AD-environment where you want to integrate zabbix you also should use the ldap-switch, but I think most home users also do not have a directory service running at home. ;)

#If this command is run there will ocure some erroes in most cases because there are missing dependencies

./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-jabber --with-libxml2 --with-net-snmp --with-ssh2 --with-libcurl

apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql mysql-server mysql-common mysql-utilities libiksemel-dev libiksemel-utils libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libxml2 snmp libsnmp-dev libsnmp-perl libssh2-1-dev libssh2-1 libcurl3 libghc-curl-dev libmysql++-dev php5-gd

#now all dependencies should be resolved
./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-jabber --with-libxml2 --with-net-snmp --with-ssh2 --with-libcurl

#copy init scripts
cp /opt/zabbix-2.4.6/misc/init.d/debian/* /etc/init.d/
#copy webfrontend
cp -r /opt/zabbix-2.4.6/frontends/php/* /var/www/zabbix/
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/zabbix/

#create the database
#at first log in to your mysql-server as a root useradd and runn the following commands
mysql -uroot -p
create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
CREATE USER 'zabbix'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'zabbix';
mysql -uzabbix -pzabbix zabbix < /opt/zabbix-2.4.6/database/mysql/schema.sql
mysql -uzabbix -pzabbix zabbix < /opt/zabbix-2.4.6/database/mysql/images.sql
mysql -uzabbix -pzabbix zabbix < /opt/zabbix-2.4.6/database/mysql/data.sql

#adapt configuration files at /usr/local/etc/ like in the attached examples
#create dircetories for logfiles:
mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix
chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/log/zabbix/

#create dirs for alert & external scripts 
mkdir -p /var/zabbix/alertscripts
mkdir -p /var/zabbix/externalscripts
chown -R zabbix:zabbix /var/zabbix/

#configure php-settings
vim /etc/php5/apache2filter/php.init
post_max_size = 16M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 300
#select timezone from and set:
date.timezone = 

#restart/reload webserver to accept changes
service apache2 restart
service zabbix-server restart
service zabbix-agent restart

#open http:///zabbix in browser and finish installation




Getting vCenter alarms to Zabbix

VMware is a relay nice product, but there is one little problem. It’s realy hard to monitor VMware products with SNMP or any other “old school” technologies.
The actual problem is to get an alarm in Zabbix if there occures an error on the vCenter. So Zabbix is used as an umbrella monitoring for the whole environment.
All this could also be done with SNMP-Traps what would be a lot easier – at first appereance, but Zabbix is … how do I say … not the best tool to monitor events. It’s designed to monitor statuses.

So it’s designed to continuously monitor as specific value – if this value raises over a defined alert-value an alert is displayed and when it falls below the value the problem disappears.
With events there is the problem that we get only one single value which describes the error. So firstly we have to analyze the received value/message and secondly – how do we know when the problem is okay again? And thats one of the design flaws of Zabbix – you do not have any possibilty to reset such events to “OK” if such an event happend.
So we need to monitor the vCenter alarms, because this alerts are raised if an problem occures and disappear if the problem changes to OK again.

So how do we get all the vCenter alarms to zabbix? I don’t want to copy/create all the alarms by hand because its a dynamic environment and alarms could be added or deleted, so the system has to “import” the alarms “on the fly” from the vCenter.
Since Zabbix 2.0 there exist discovery rules which are kind of helpful to import dynamic values. So I’m using a discovery to peridodically pull the data from the vCenter and create an item for every alarm. All the alarms in the vCenter need to be configured to run a custom alarm when an alarm becomes active which sends the current status to zabbix and voilá – we are done.

Continue reading Getting vCenter alarms to Zabbix

Useful tools for PXE

In this post a collection of useful tools which can be used in PXE is introduced.

Continue reading Useful tools for PXE