Tag Archives: bash

Nerdfonts in zsh for exa

After switching to exa as an ls-replacement i also wanted to make use of the nerd-font support ho have icons displayed for files.

alias etree='exa --color --tree --icons=always'

However, in reality the fonts never looked the same in my terminal as in the web preview

So, to easy things up (getting the zip, unzipping it in ~/.local/share/fonts and updateing the fonts-cache) there is a little function which can be placed in the .zshrc/.bashrc to automate things.

#Function to install NerdFonts
function install_nerdfont()
	if [ -not $1 ];
		echo -e "\e[91mParameter missing!\e[0m"

	cd ~/.local/share/fonts
	wget $1
	unzip -u *.zip
	rm *.zip
	fc-cache -fv	
	cd -


Once executed with the download-URL as a paremeter, the font will be installed to your home directory.

If the fonts should be installed system-wide, this can be archived by placing them in /usr/local/share/fonts (folder might needs to be created if it does not exist).

Once the fonts are installed – the terminal-profile must be configured to use the newly installed fonts and that’s it.

Bash – Monitor directory size for change

A simple bash-script to easily monitor if a directory has grown or shrunk in size:

while [ 1 ]; do result=$(du -s * | egrep "bitcoin-0.21.1$"); echo -e "\e[95m$result\e[0m"; curSize=$(echo $result | cut -d" " -f1); if [ $curSize -lt $oldSize ]; then echo -e
 "\e[92mShrunk: $curSize\e[0m"; else echo -e "\e[91mGrown: $curSize\e[0m"; fi; oldSize=$curSize; sleep 5; done

Script needs to be executed in the parrent directory of the monitored dir and directory name must be adapted: bitcoin-0.21.1$ -> to whatever you want to grep for

Get CVE information from NIST NVD and RHEL

Just two littel scripts that come handy if you want to download all the CVE info in JSON format for offline use.

[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%23!%2Fbin%2Fbash%0Aurls%3D%24(curl%20https%3A%2F%2Fnvd.nist.gov%2Fvuln%2Fdata-feeds%23JSON_FEED%20%7C%20grep%20’https%3A%2F%2F’%20%7C%20grep%20-i%20json.gz%20%7C%20sed%20’s%2F.*href%3D%2F%2Fg’%20%7C%20cut%20-d%5C’%20%20-f2)%0A%0Amkdir%20-p%20.%2FnistNvdJson%0Acd%20nistNvdJson%0Afor%20l%20in%20%24urls%3B%0Ado%0Awget%20%24l%0Adone%0Agunzip%20*%0A” message=”Donwload NIST NVD CVEs in JSON” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]


[pastacode lang=”bash” manual=”%23!%2Fbin%2Fbash%0A%0A%0AloopVar%3D1%0AdataDir%3D%22rhelCveData%22%0Amkdir%20%24dataDir%20-p%0Aecho%20%22getting%20data%3A%22%0AT%3D%22%24(date%20%2B%25s)%22%0Awhile%20%5B%5B%20%24loopVar%20-ne%200%20%5D%5D%3B%0Ado%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20echo%20-n%20%22-%24loopVar-%20%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20data%3D%24(curl%20-s%20https%3A%2F%2Faccess.redhat.com%2Flabs%2Fsecuritydataapi%2Fcve.json%3Fpage%3D%24loopVar)%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20if%20%5B%5B%20%22%24data%22%20%3D%3D%20%22%5B%5D%22%20%5D%5D%3B%20then%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20loopVar%3D0%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20else%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20toFile%3D%24toFile%24%7Bdata%3A1%3A-1%7D%22%2C%20%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20let%20loopVar%3DloopVar%2B1%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20fi%0Adone%0AT%3D%22%24((%24(date%20%2B%25s)-T))%22%0Aecho%20%22%5B%24%7BtoFile%3A%3A-2%7D%5D%22%20%3E%3E%20%22%24dataDir%2FrhelCve.json%22%0Ased%20-i%20’s%2F%5E%5C%5B%5C%5D%24%2F%2Fg’%20%22%24dataDir%2FrhelCve.json%22%0Aprintf%20%22Got%20data%20in%3A%20%2502dd%3A%2502dh%3A%2502dm%3A%2502ds%5Cn%22%20%22%24((T%2F86400))%22%20%22%24((T%2F3600%2524))%22%20%22%24((T%2F60%2560))%22%20%22%24((T%2560))%22%0A” message=”Get CVE infos for RHEL” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/]


Additional information:
If you query the NIST NVD Data and search for RHEL CPEs you won’t get a lot of hits as only a smal percentage of the CVEs that affect Red Hat software has the correct CPE attached. However – NIST NVD is nice to have because in the Red Hat CVEs only the total CVSS score is listed but no detailed vulnerability metrics are included.