Tag Archives: icon

Nerdfonts in zsh for exa

After switching to exa as an ls-replacement i also wanted to make use of the nerd-font support ho have icons displayed for files.

alias etree='exa --color --tree --icons=always'

However, in reality the fonts never looked the same in my terminal as in the web preview

So, to easy things up (getting the zip, unzipping it in ~/.local/share/fonts and updateing the fonts-cache) there is a little function which can be placed in the .zshrc/.bashrc to automate things.

#Function to install NerdFonts function install_nerdfont() { if [ -not $1 ]; then echo -e "\e[91mParameter missing!\e[0m" fi cd ~/.local/share/fonts wget $1 unzip -u *.zip rm *.zip fc-cache -fv cd - }

Once executed with the download-URL as a paremeter, the font will be installed to your home directory.

If the fonts should be installed system-wide, this can be archived by placing them in /usr/local/share/fonts (folder might needs to be created if it does not exist).

Once the fonts are installed – the terminal-profile must be configured to use the newly installed fonts and that’s it.