Tag Archives: irmc

Get raid information from a Fujitsu RX200S8/Rx300S8 via BMC

With the S8 generation of Fujtitus RX300/200 servers, which use the iRMC S4 ,Fujitsu implementent the ability to poll SNMP-data from the BMC (iRMC). To enable the ability to poll data the BMC has to be flashed with an up to date Firmware version and SNMP-polling has to be enableed in the iRMC-web-GUI. I’ve tested it with 7.69F from Dec. 2014 .
The first shippings of the rx300/200 servers came with an older firmeware version which did not implment the needed Fujitsuu MIBs to query HW-status (see http://manuals.ts.fujitsu.com/file/11470/irmc-s4-ug-en.pdf Page: 18 for details about the supported MIBs).
The problem is, that there is no possibility to query the status of the Raid controller and its disks via SNMP (or I haven’t found it till now) but it’s displayed on the iRMC web-GUI. So I wrote a script which extracts the useful informations (controller status, disk status + details and logical drive status) from the web-interface.

Atm. it’s just an alpha release but I’ll modify the script to be used by Zabbix for an auto discovery and push all the data into Zabbix:


[pastacode lang=”php” message=”web-iRMCS RAID-query” highlight=”” provider=”manual”]

#   DESCRIPTION: Script to query RAID-Informations from the Fujitsu iRMC S4 webinterface.
#   COPYRIGHT ©: 2015 by fawcs, GPL freeware
#        AUTHOR: fawcs, weixeflo@fawcs.info
#       LICENSE: GPL freeware
# CREATION DATE: 2015-Mar-19

//get Raid-Controller-Data

foreach($id['disks'][0]['data'] AS $disk)

retrieves an html-site
	@return: String -> whole HTML site
function getWebsiteContent($url,$username,$password,$measuretime=false)
	$process = curl_init($url);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);  
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/xml'));
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
	//curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payloadName);
	curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
	$return = curl_exec($process);
		echo "Content for ".$url." retrieved in ".round(microtime(true)-$timer,3)."s".chr(10);
	return $return;

retrieves the table-content of an IRMC Site / parses the listed sites for interesting data
possible sites are:
	http://$host/87 -> Controller Infos
	http://$host/88 -> Physical Disks
	http://$host/89 -> Logical Drives
	@return -> 	array which contains the ID of the controller, disks, LVs
				the table headings
				the table data

function parseWebSiteToIDs($return)
	$cutFrom=strpos($return,"<!-- Menu end-->");
	$cutTo=strpos($return,'<div id="bottom">');
	//echo $table;
	//go through all tatles which are found in the passed web-content-string & extract the tables 
		//$table[]=substr($return, strpos($return,"<table"),strpos($return,"</table>")-strpos($return,"<table>"));
		$Loop=substr($Loop, strpos($Loop,'<table'),strlen($Loop)-strpos($Loop,'<table'));
		//get the table id
		$Loop=substr($Loop, strpos($Loop,'<tr'),strlen($Loop)-strpos($Loop,'<tr'));
		//save just the html-table to the var & add ***###*** as a delimitter after every tablerow
		//explode all table rows by the added delimiter
		//iterate through the table rows and extract useful information
		foreach($rows AS $row)
			//check if submit button for details is listed in the table - if yes - get the submit-value for correct id -> is appended to the URL when querying the details page
			if(strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')!==false)
				$detailID=trim(substr($row,strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')+strlen('<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"'),strpos(strtolower($row),'onclick=')-(strpos($row,'<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"')+strlen('<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Details"'))));
				//eg: extracted name="pd_10" from row
			//if $count==0 -> first table row which stores only the headings/descriptions -> are saved in a seperate node in the array
			} else {
			//all the other rows contain data -> also store the in the array
	return $ret;

