Tag Archives: vcenter

Get vCenter alarms into Zabbix via poll-method

Some time ago i wrote a post on how to forward vCenter alarms to Zabbix ( https://blog.fawcs.info/2015/05/getting-vcenter-alarms-to-zabbix/) and I have to admit, that this solutions is kind of a pain in the ass. I’m getting the alarm info from environmental varaibles which are automatically set by the vCenter when an alarm changes its status, but it seems that there is a “littel” problem with “overlapping” alarms. For example if there are occuring multiple alarms within a short period only the first alarm will be forwarded to zabbix, but non of the follwoing alarms. Besides that this is not an ideal solution I personally do not like my former approach because it’s an event driven approach. So if one event goes missing we have an inconsistent system :/

It’s quite some time since I wanted to redesign the solution and now I’m finally having some time ( and the pressure) to do so. 🙂
The new approach is based on using userparameters to execute a powershellscript on the vCenter to discover all active alarms and create items in Zabbix. At the moment I’m creating three item prototyes. One for the Timestamp when the alarm became active, another item for the acknowledged-state of the alarm and the last one for the severity of the alarm.

There are two userparemeters which run two powershell scripts. The first one (vcenter.alarm.polling.discovery.ps1) does the discovery and the second one (vcenter.alarm.polling.itemdata.ps1) is to get the data for the discoverd items.
There are also three triggers (one for each severity gray, yellow, red) which will be active als long as the alarm is not acknowledged.

You can download the scripts, userparameters and the template down below:


Additional findings:
Ther can occure problems if there are different addresses used to connect to the vcenter (eg., loclahost, vcenterhostname, …)
It seems that the vCenter creates a sperate datacenter instance for every connection, so if you use the three examples from abovve you will end up creating three instances and mess up the script.


If special characters want to be passed to the powershellscript (e.g. special chars in passwords ord login with administrator@vsphere.local) the “UnsafeUserParameters=1” – parameter from the zabbix-agent.conf needs to be set to 1. (default value is 0)

Getting vCenter alarms to Zabbix

VMware is a relay nice product, but there is one little problem. It’s realy hard to monitor VMware products with SNMP or any other “old school” technologies.
The actual problem is to get an alarm in Zabbix if there occures an error on the vCenter. So Zabbix is used as an umbrella monitoring for the whole environment.
All this could also be done with SNMP-Traps what would be a lot easier – at first appereance, but Zabbix is … how do I say … not the best tool to monitor events. It’s designed to monitor statuses.

So it’s designed to continuously monitor as specific value – if this value raises over a defined alert-value an alert is displayed and when it falls below the value the problem disappears.
With events there is the problem that we get only one single value which describes the error. So firstly we have to analyze the received value/message and secondly – how do we know when the problem is okay again? And thats one of the design flaws of Zabbix – you do not have any possibilty to reset such events to “OK” if such an event happend.
So we need to monitor the vCenter alarms, because this alerts are raised if an problem occures and disappear if the problem changes to OK again.

So how do we get all the vCenter alarms to zabbix? I don’t want to copy/create all the alarms by hand because its a dynamic environment and alarms could be added or deleted, so the system has to “import” the alarms “on the fly” from the vCenter.
Since Zabbix 2.0 there exist discovery rules which are kind of helpful to import dynamic values. So I’m using a discovery to peridodically pull the data from the vCenter and create an item for every alarm. All the alarms in the vCenter need to be configured to run a custom alarm when an alarm becomes active which sends the current status to zabbix and voilá – we are done.

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